martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

The tax becomes effective technology in Argentina

The new tax became effective technology today throughout Argentina.

While for months being discussed, and it was during November that 26,539 law became official, the new governing amendments from today, according to Article 4 of the Act.

What changes introduced by this law? The effect varies from product to product. In the worst case, there will be teams that will lose its promotional aliquot of VAT (10.5% to pay now pay 21%) and shall be taxed at the Internal Revenue by 17%. This applies to all electronic products not manufactured in the province of Tierra del Fuego.

What this law will achieve? Since the government say will result in import substitution process that will achieve increased use of Argentina. According to critics, the increase will meet the end user will be between 30 and 37%.

Many electronic equipment sold in Argentina and were more expensive than elsewhere in the region. From today, the gap increased. This will mean less access to technology for end users, educational institutions and businesses. It is very striking that such a law has been adopted with 126 votes positive, 7 negative and 54 abstentions.

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